Accounts based analytics

Every business has a unique story through interactions and behaviors within your products. Mitzu's "group profiles & group lookup" are a set of features that enable your customer success, sales, and product teams to understand the most valuable accounts of your product or service.

Why group profiles & group lookup?

Focus on a single group

Sometimes, finding key insights comes from diving into one company's behaviour. With the single-group focus mode, you can list events, see activity and frequency of usage for a each individual from a given company. You can also list the group properties. The show events option gives you a timeline of events that happened at any given time for that company.

Find companies from insights

Finding critical insights from your data is more than chart visualization. Often, you must dig deeper and see the companies  which completed a funnel or belong to a segment.

Free text search for groups

The most natural way of finding anything is by free-text search. The group lookup feature enables you to lookup your companies on top of your data warehouse. Search for a company name or the email of your individual, and results should show up immediately.

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Improve sales by understanding
your ICP

Single group focused analytics helps in understanding how a company interacts with the product or service, where they may face challenges. With this information, a salesperson can tailor their communications and recommendations to precisely meet the customers' needs.
Additionally, these insights can help identify upselling or cross-selling opportunities by suggesting products or services that align with the customer's behavior, potentially increasing the overall value of the customer to the business.

Show accounts who performed certain actions

Show acounts that started a trial

See which companies finished a funnel


Reduce churn by caring about individuals

Customer service team should analyze usage of a single company to deliver personalized support . By examining how an individuals at the account uses a product or service, including common pain points and features they frequently engage with, representatives can offer better advice.

This tailored approach not only resolves issues more effectively but also demonstrates a commitment to understanding and meeting the customer's specific needs. Additionally, insights from usage behavior can inform proactive outreach thus improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Search for groups from an account or group

Search groups who churned


Understand your best customers

Product managers should understand their best customer's to refine and optimize product development. By understanding how the most active companies interacts with various features, product managers can identify which aspects are most valued and which may require improvement.

Insights gained from individual usage patterns can help in predicting trends and user behaviors, enabling product managers to innovate proactively and stay ahead of market demands. This ultimately contributes to a more competitive and successful product offering.

Visualize the profile of the group

See timeline of events

See trends of activity

Try out an example:

Marketing dashboard

Example marketing dashboard

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Revenue dashboard

Example revenue dashboard

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Product dashboard

Example product dashboard

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Warehouse-native product analytics

SQL based group profiles and groups lookup

Instead of copying your data, Mitzu automatically generates SQL code with every click you make on the application. For group lookups we offer a free text search feature, that automatically searches your tables that contain group level information.

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